Bilabel, Jacob. greenmusicinitiative. GREEN MUSIC INITIATIVE, 2010. Web. April 7, 2010.

The Green Music Initiative is a German platform in order to aid an earth-friendlier music and entertainment industry, comparable to the green music alliance (see below). Every year, the organization awards a price for exemplary environmental behavior and organizes conferences. Though the website is a bit confusing, I think the initiative is worth mentioning.

Cunnings, Jim. Acoustic Ecology. Acoustic Ecology Institute, 2008. Web. April 7, 2010.

Acoustic Ecology examines the sonic environment, man-made and natural, and how the sound influences us and other beings. This website offers short overview articles about ocean, wildlands, and urban issues/sounds as well as an introduction to the topic “soundscapes.” It is a good starting point as the site’s greatest strength is an almost innumerable list of references/resources (a lot of them scholarly) for further and more specific information.

“Earth Songs.” Wood, Harold. Planet Patriot, n.d. Web. April 7, 2010.

This is a page offering a collection of earth songs (partly divided by genre), songbooks and links to other resources. Though this page presents a lot of material, it is visually less attractive than the next website (see below). 

“Environmental Songs.” Jeantheau, Mark. Grinning Planet, 2010. Web. April 7, 2010.
This page presents a long list of Environmental Songs, some of them with mp3 widgets, lyrics, reviews etc. Not all of these songs are Environmental Songs per se; some are more related to progress and change in general. The website also includes Environmental Music videos and articles on different topics such as climate change and air pollution. Some of them are scholarly, some popular, some are just meant to be entertaining.


Kallman, Helman et al. “World Soundscape Project.” Marsh, James (ed.). The Canadian Encyclopedia, 2010. Web. April 7, 2010.
This article from the Canadian Encyclopedia/ the Encyclopedia of Music in Canada informs in detail of the ‘World Soundscape Project’ by R. M. Schafer, a Canadian musician who also invented the term ‘Acoustic Ecology’ (see above). The article is easy to understand, and it comes with a list of references (bibliography, discography, publications), links to other sites, and a glossary.


n.p. Green Music Alliance. Green Music Alliance, n.d. Web.  April 7, 2010.

The Green Music Alliance is an organization for artists, fans, and music industry companies who want to reduce the impact the entertainment industry has on the environment, as well as to make aware of environmental issues in general. This website offers resources for further information about environmental problems and terms, e.g. ‘Carbon Footprint.’ Advices how to take action are planned in the near future.

Where Woods and Winds contend.
This is our course blog, where we discussed different environmental topics, reflected on our experiences